Happy New Year from all of us at iamJ3!! 

We want to officially introduce you to Ben and Chrissy Scoggin; they joined us as part of the iamJ3 team in November.  They are very active in Davidson County DSS and have played a big part in the DSS system this year.  We are excited that they have joined us and look forward to serving with them!

We are so excited to announce that we are now at 7 East First Street in Lexington.  We have started a foster closet to serve foster families in Davidson County. 


Why start a foster closet? 

Ben and Chrissy went to different churches in our area in 2013 to speak to them about being foster parents.  The support they received was amazing; Davidson County DSS ended up having a full class this past fall!!   We started to think of how we could help these families and the idea came up to start a foster closet.  Many kids come into foster care with little or nothing.  Most families do not know what age child they will be getting and they do not have the items they need when they get a call for a child.  With your help and donations we can freely give needed items to foster families and to the precious children in foster care in their homes.


What kind of donations will we take?

We will take donations for children 0-18 years old. Examples: clothes, bedding, car seats, toys, books, luggage, back packs etc.  Basically anything that is new or slightly used. We will not have normal operating hours, please contact us to drop off donations.  You can contact us here.


Who will we help?

We will only be helping foster families and families who are called for relative placements, who have children placed with them with little or no belongings.  We will not be open to the public. DSS or the foster family will contact us to pick up what they need.  We are hoping to grow into a resource that DSS and private agencies can regularly use to get needed items for foster families and for the children in care.


We are looking forward to 2014!  We know that God is going to do great things!!

